
I have quit Club Penguin but now and again you may see a little post of random stuff with CP on..........it might just be a pic of a certain penguin..................Begins with K and 3 ;)

I forgot to mention I also play TRANSFORMICE! Go check it out sometime! My name on there is Musickay XD XD

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Monday 22 February 2010


Ok guys I know you ALL like competitions so I'm holding another this time the prize is that you get to hang with me on club penguin for as long as possible and also we can decide what the new competition should be! So the competition today is to tell me a short story about the Orange puffles history. You can make up names, use names like Kkkkkk123 and also please tell me if you had an orange puffle what would you call it?!?!?! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!


Piper said...


hoot333 said...

Once in the orange island, where everything you saw, touched, and smelled was orange, and creature so magnificeofntly awesome, bounced across the orange grassy planes.Its eyes wont look at you but you could tell this creature was the one. The one that will be called the orange puffle. News spred all over te CP world collapsed when it was spotted. The food of this puffle went along the shore of orange beach. To get its food it swims. To pass time, orange puffles climb the fruit trees of the island. To play with, the puffle inches twords his sailboat, for his other pass time is sailing. He brings joy and a little laugh to everyone. Its dance move is the cooky head spin. Soon, in the Club Penguin world, the super orange puffle will be everyones goofy friend when they need a laugh!

If i had an orange puffle it would be Olympic because the olympics are going on now!!!! I hope the orange puffle will be avalible to ALL Penguins!!!

Lopakoy said...

One day, penguin123 found a yellow puffle in the mountains. He made a prank by painting the puffle orange. But the colour got mixed with his DNA accidentally. But it still had the skills of art. Because of its colour, it got angry and drew a picture of penguin123 looking silly. Then penguin got angry and kicked the poor puffle. The puffle hit its teeth and so it got its buck teeth. Then it brought babies and then they came to Club Penguin.

Sorry its a bit long. But hope you like it!

hoot333 said...

I entered mine already! So where is it???????????

Piper said...

Sorry this is late! Here it is:
Once there were some penguins named kkkkkk123 and lemon2608. they were out rounding up puffles when they spotted a normal puffle in the color of orange. they kept it as a pet and named it clementine. they were taking pictures of it when the flash gave it lots of stupidity and then it fell flat on its face, hitting its front teeth and it gave her buck teeth. she ran away
to sail the seven seas, because the stupidity made her think she was captin rockhopper. she met another orange puffle and they became friends. then more and more orange puffles came, and developed clementines stupidity. and yes they are stupid. but cute! but- well, stupid AND- oh you know what i mean. hope this is a good story!!!

Jamesscn said...

Im gonna enter!

Slidoo said...

One day, in 1452, before any puffle was discovered, Bob Butt head was walking in the woods. He was thinking of staying there. Never eating again, or even drinking anything. He was upset with himself because his name was Bob Butt head. However, in the far distance, he was a flash of orange. Then, he felt something on his head! And then he felt nothing on his head! A zany orange puffle had jumped on his head and pulled off his hat!! He was annoyed, but curious. He walked deeper into the woods. Suddenly, a giant orange puffle army came and made him their king. Unfortunately, they all refused to come with him back to Club Penguin. So, when Bob Butt Head returned and told people about his discovery, they didn't believe him 1 bit. After all, there wasn't even such thing as a puffle! (or, so they thought) Orange puffles continued to amaze curious penguins, but never got close anough to be caught until now. Bob Butt Head was long forgotten, so noone remembers he was the first to make this discovery. Everyone but me.

that was weird...


Hnwjanuary11 said...

As the puffles made their way into Club Penguin, it was far to cold for penguins to come out! All of the puffles huddled together in the Forest for warmth. A yellow puffle hid in the Forest for a while after all the puffles were taken into the Pet Shop. After the Stage was built, the puffle fell in love with the arts and stayed there watching curiously. Two white puffles eventually came out and one hid in front of the Dojo before it became a Card-Jitsu area, and another hid in the Ski Village. Then there only left the orange puffle. It stayed for a whole year! Then one day, while no one was around, it escaped and went into Moe-Joe Jackson's igloo. He happened to be home! But he didn't see, as the orange puffle found a box with a purple-swirly in the middle. It slipped inside, and since puffles are very light and warped, it floated into a box! So every fifteen minutes, it came out to surprise people. More orange puffles still hid, and a few escaped. One hid in the cuckoo clock in the Ski Lodge, one made a hole in one of the ski lifts to the Mountain, and came out only when it knew orange penguins were supporting it. One also went to the Pet Shop, and once there, it whipped out its little cell phone and called all the orange puffles to come! Hnwjanuary11 bought one and named it Timmy. Soon word spread and orange puffles became more famous than any other puffle!

Podlepops said...

My puffle story, part one.

Picture it, Club Penguin, 1367.
No igloos, no buildings, no penguins, no nothing... except puffles.

The furry little creatures had lived there for hundreds of years, even before the first penguins came to CP. They were happy, living in some underground caves (under what we now know as the cave) where they were warm, they had plenty of water and space to live in. They lived as one big comuntiy, they slept in dens inside small opening in the rocks, played all day and simply kicked back and relaxed.

The puffles were much more intelligent back then, they had advanced minds and knew how to speak normal english (not their nowadays `squeak!´ language)and invented machines and stuff to help them lead a more comfortable life. They invented lights, that would turn on if the puffles threw snowballs into a big power generator machine, they made doors and secret cave entrances and stuff only they knew about (mainly because they were the only living things down there). These puffles, I believe were related to Gary (they're both inventing maniacs).

Picture it, Club Penguin, 1488.
Puffles were still living their simple lives in the underground caves, when suddenly... CRACK! BOOM! CRUNCH! SPLASH!

The whole cave trembled as an earthquake shook CP. The puffles, scared left their caves for the first time in 500 years. They escaped into CP and a great, big chunk of rock covered the entrance to the secret caves. Loads of the things they had invented were crushed under rocks and destroyed. Other survived, like the lights and the power generator, but were of no use now, as they were trapped inside the cave.

The puffles took separate paths, each puffle trying to survive on its own in the wild enviroment and struggling to get O berry's and water.

Picture it, Club Penguin, 2003.
Puffles had lived for a very long time in the CP wilderness, and they had lost many of their amazing skills with time. They were now no longer able to speak english, and they couldn't invent stuff, as their minds had now become smaller than they used to be. They had also lost their tails (yeah, I know Puffles used to have tails but developed over time and lost them) and became smaller and fluffier.
One day, the first ever penguin discovered CP, Rockhopper. He was an adventurous pirate who had sailed through the seven seas and had lived as many adventures as trees there are in CP. He had an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, where he kept his treausres and he used his island as a summer house too. Now, he discovered a new land. Club Penguin. It was him, who decided to name it like this, as he was a Penguin and liked Chess Clubs, but decided "Club Chess Penguin" didn't sound so well...

So after years of exploration, he found CP, named it and found something else too... puffles. He liked them, and decided to take some with him. But,unfortunatedly, he only found red puffles. He took about 50 back with him to his island and kept one as his pet, Yarr.

Podlepops said...

my puffle story, final part.

Picture it, Club Penguin, 2004.
CP was now full of nice, friendly penguins who ran around making friends and lived in igloos. The puffles still lived in the wild, until one day...

Rockhopper, came back to CP, talked to the penguins, explained how the island was called and showed the penguins the red puffles. So soon, the penguins opened a pet shop and started selling the red puffles Rockhopper had brought them as pets. Tons of penguins were really happy, and the puffles were happy too, so their red cousins who still lived in the wilderness came out too!

The years passed and one by one all the puffles started to come out: blue, green, pink, purple, black, yellow, white...
But one puffle still didn't like the idea of coming out to CP... the orange puffle.

He was a friendly, playful puffle who just wanted to play with his friends, but decided not to go out with them to meet penguins, as he was a bit afraid of penguins.

Picture it, Club Penguin, 2010.
Now with more building than ever, every colo puffles and more. Penguins soon discovered some weird caves udner the mine, with lights and a snowball powered generator. They explored the caves for a while and then decided to close them down for safety.

Meanwhile the orange puffle, realized penguins were no threat, they had explored the caves were he and his friends used to live, and they hadn't destroyed them or anything. Besides, his friends were very happy to be living with penguins, so the orange puffle decided to appear.

At first he was uncertain, appearing every so often in the box dimension and ski lodge, waiting to see how penguins would react to him. After a while, he saw penguins were excited about his appearences, and was almost convinced to come out.

But what finally made him see how friendly penguins were, was how fun they seemed to be! They threw a puffle party! The orange puffle couldn't resist, and soon he was out in CP, and being sold in the Pet Shop. He was as happy as he had ever been, and his owners treated him very well. The orange puffle knew he had made the right decission at last.

THE END - or is it?

OK that is weird and silly I know, but I had to try... no good at these things, but I like writing stories so...

Slidoo said...



Podlepops said...

LOL i know slidoo, but i've written longer stories. For example, on Queen Binawa's website, she held a competition and u needed to write a silly story, now what I entered sure was a loooooooong story. I also put it on my stories page at my site.
At school i have written stories 15 pages long when u only needed to write 1 page LOL. I like writing stories.