
I have quit Club Penguin but now and again you may see a little post of random stuff with CP on..........it might just be a pic of a certain penguin..................Begins with K and 3 ;)

I forgot to mention I also play TRANSFORMICE! Go check it out sometime! My name on there is Musickay XD XD

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Billybob and Screenhog!!

This guy was saying "Anyone want a postcard from Billybob or Screenhog?" So I thought I'd give it a shot and look at the results! Also I have a postcard from
Mimo777 but forgot to do a picture for it!


Jamesscn said...

omg! that is so valuable! which penguin gave that to you?

Kkkkkk123 said...

A penguin named Mr Mail. I've added him lol!

Toysgoneby said...

Kool! That is awesome!!